Woodpecker1 SDK v1.32 ReleaseNote

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Version: V1.32

Release Date: Oct 30, 2018

1.New Function & Bug Fix:

1.1 Solve the bug that the WPDemo program may crash when the RSWP1M0 is recovered to the factory parameters.
1.2 Solve the problem that the camera will output the signal when the OutputIO port status is reset during initialization.
1.3 Add the judgment of the mono camera when judging the BUFF size required for image acquisition. The BUFF size required for mono camera is one third of that of the color camera with the same resolution.
1.4 Add the runtime protection for the main library WPMaincore. The system only allows one process to use WPMaincore at the same time.
1.5 Add an interface to clear the image cache.
1.6 Add an interface for querying the image acquisition running status, which includes the statistics of losing frame due to insufficient processing capability.

2.Updating Steps:

2.1 Copy ROSEEK_WPMainSystem_Setup_V1.32.exe into Camera and run.
2.2 Update Firmware
Confirm WPDemo or similar program with updating function is running in the camera.
Run "RoseekDeviceInformation.exe" from path "WPSDK\UtilTools\" to check the version information.
Run "RSRemoteUpdateTool.exe" for firmware updating from path "WPSDK\UtilTools\".
2.3 Update Sourcec Code (for developer)
Replace the Source Code with what in WPDemo folder.
If the user's program is not based on our SourceCode, please just replace the latest libraries, headers and dlls in "bin" folder.

3.Version Info

Name: roseek_wp1_maincore    Version: 1.24 Date: Oct_30_2018 Description: Main core module for wp1
Name: roseek_wp1_fpga     Version: 2.54 Date: May_26_2017 Description: FPGA module for wp1
Name: roseek_wp1_peripheral   Version: 1.07 Date: Feb_29_2018 Description: Peripheral controller module for wp1
Name: roseek_wp1_extension    Version: 1.12 Date: Jan_15_2018 Description: Extension controller module for wp1
Name: roseek_wp1_dll_netcmd  Version: 1.08 Date: Mar_13_2018 Description: NetCMD module for wp1
Name: roseek_ct1_dll_stream   Version: 1.02 Date: Jun_24_2016 Description: Stream module for ct1
Name: roseek_ct1_dll_media    Version: 1.07 Date: Jun_28_2017 Description: Media module for ct1
Name: roseek_ct1_dll_osd      Version: 1.02 Date: Jul_14_2017 Description: OSD module for ct1
Name: roseek_wp1_fpga   Version: 2.54
Name: roseek_wp1_fpga   Version: 2.55
CMOS 1M0S, 1M0M:
Name: roseek_wp1_fpga   Version: 2.56