Beaver2 SDK V1.04 ReleaseNote

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Version: V1.04

Release Date: Dec 21, 2017

1. Version Info

Users can view device inforamtion through the RSDeviceInformation tool in 04_Tools_Remote.
Name: roseek_bv2_maincore     Version: 1.06 Date: Feb_01_2018 Description: Main core module for bv2
Name: roseek_bv2_dll_netcmd   Version: 1.00 Date: Jul_05_2017 Description: NetCMD module for bv2
Name: roseek_bv2_peripheral      Version: 2.01 Date: Jan_15_2018 Description: Peripheral controller module for bv2

2. New Function & Bug Fix:

2.1 The Roseek_System_ApplyRunParams function does not return an error if the MCU versions do not match.
2.2 Roseek_DI_SetTrigDelayTime will judge the MCU version number. If it does not match, it will return BV_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED.
2.3 Compatible with older firmware.