Cheetah1 SDK v1.16 Known Issue

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1. The serial port baud rate of 38400 is not supported. The next version will be supported.
There is a patch that can be added.

2. The "Roseek_MediaEncoder_InitParamsV1" function is not in the document.
This function uses a new parameter data structure and adds some configuration items.
Temporarily, these configuration items are not enabled, so there is no need to additional configuration.
You can use the "Roseek_MediaEncoder_InitParams" or use the "Roseek_MediaEncoder_InitParamsV1", the effect is the same.

3. The Linux serial port cannot be used immediately when it is started. It takes about 1 minute to use.
In current and previous versions, we found that a service can affects the serial port.
It is recommended that you manually configure this service to be down.
The command is:

sudo systemctl disable ModemManager.service

The 1.17 version of the SDK will automatically execute this command during installation to fix this problem.